Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet


Have you recently lost a loved one and are attending a memorial service? If so, consider sending a heartfelt gift like Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet. These elegant white flowers convey sincerity and respect, providing a warm embrace to the recipient during a difficult time.


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Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet

Have you recently lost a loved one and are attending a memorial service? If so, consider sending a heartfelt gift like Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet. These elegant white flowers convey sincerity and respect, providing a warm embrace to the recipient during a difficult time.

Order T216-1A Sale $169.95 Add To Cart

Have you recently lost a loved one and are attending a memorial service? If so, consider sending a heartfelt gift like Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet. These elegant white flowers convey sincerity and respect, providing a warm embrace to the recipient during a difficult time.


Have you recently lost a loved one and are attending a memorial service? If so, consider sending a heartfelt gift like Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses Bouquet. These elegant white flowers convey sincerity and respect, providing a warm embrace to the recipient during a difficult time.

What's in this simple yet exquisite bouquet? You'll find oriental white lilies, creamy yellowish roses, and pure white carnations, complemented by the calming presence of spiral and seeded eucalyptus and salas leaves. These flowers express everything you may struggle to say during this challenging time, symbolizing pure love, respect, and a tribute to the person who has passed.

While this bouquet is a fitting choice for paying your final respects, its sophistication makes it an excellent gift for any platonic relationship. Our local florist shops offer same-day delivery nationwide, ensuring that you receive fresh flowers and a flawless presentation. Don't hesitate to order today and experience the best services in the flower market.

Item No. T216-1A

Price: $169.95

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